October 12th, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater-OK
This year's OSU CANstruction event will be themed "FEEDING CHANGE" and will sponsor Our Daily Bread Food & Resource Center. Teams are encouraged to design a sculpture that represents how Feeding Change speaks to the mission of Our Daily Bread: Feeding our community collaboratively and providing connections that enable lasting change.
In Payne County, 18% of our neighbors are food insecure, lacking reliable access to healthy, nutritious, and life sustaining foods. In Stillwater alone, 33% of our neighbors live at or below the poverty line—this population is also disproportionally affected by poor health that is attributed to a limited access to healthy food.
There will be three workshops conducted on 17th, 18th, and 19th of September from 5.30-7.00 PM in HS465, Human Sciences, Oklahoma State University to train teams and individuals on using the software and developing the CANstruction.
Peoples Choice Award
Structural Ingenuity Award
Best Use of Labels Award
Jurors' Favorite Award
Best CAN collector-For most food cans collected
The gala event will take place after the CANstruction is concluded.
Cocktail Attire
Dinner & Drinks
Jazz Music
Art Sculptures
Created entirely out of canned goods
One free drink per person.
Cash bar available.
will be conducted in the Great Hall and Jorns Hall at the
College of Human Sciences,Oklahoma State University.